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Brides of the West-Part One Page 10
Brides of the West-Part One Read online
Page 10
"I worry about Dal, and Daniel, that's why. If the situation comes to guns, they could get hurt." Bonnie explained. "Even though their plan is to scare the cattle away."
Cassie stopped and stared. "Oh…you don't have any confidence that your husband can stop it? You think he'll be killed or something? Good grief Bonnie, where's your faith?"
Bonnie closed her eyes and prayed. She needed patience. Had Cassie always been this condescending or was there a reason for it? Or had Bonnie outgrown Cassie in some way?
"We better start supper…" Bonnie said and went to get some potatoes to peel.
"Oh…alright, you are such a party pooper, Bonnie. I thought when you married you'd be so happy you wouldn't have time to be serious." Cassie frowned following her inside.
"Marriage doesn't change everything." Bonnie replied.
Cassie's eyes were narrowing on the bedrooms and she suddenly came to an abrupt stop.
"What's wrong?" Bonnie asked as she put the coffee on the fire.
"Why Bonnie…you're beds of course. You don't have a full bed in the house. How can you and Dal…"
Bonnie rolled her eyes again, and biting her tongue.
"So where do you and Dal sleep."
Bonnie was frowning like a hungry cat with no milk, insulted that Cassie would ask such a question.
When they were younger and shared every secret, it was different, but as they had grown those secrets were much further apart. Bonnie no longer wanted to share such things with her friend.
"I don't think that's something we should discuss." Bonnie bit back her chance to chastise her. But the racket she made getting out the pots and pans to cook with made a ruckus.
"Of course we should. We never used to keep secrets from each other." Cassie glanced at her in alarm. Tossing her hair to her back, she moved about the kitchen, taking notes with her eyes. "Why start now?"
"Well," Bonnie strengthened herself. "When you marry you have a new partner to share your secrets with. And when you marry then maybe we can share a few secrets too."
"Do tell. So you weren't going to tell me that you weren't sleeping with your husband?" Cassie giggled.
"How would you know? And why on earth would you ask me such a thing?" Bonnie felt her anger stirring, but she knew better than to let Cassie see it.
"Because you've always been so naïve when it came to boys. I couldn't imagine you married for a minute. And I see I'm right. You still have no clue." Cassie cut her eyes around the place and shrugged. "How long you think he's going to stay if you don't warm his bed for him?"
"Well, I'm only trying to help you, Bonnie." She stood up and grabbed her by the arms. "And it's obvious you need some pointers in that direction."
"I didn't know you were so experienced in having relations with a husband. I mean, you aren't married, Cassie. Besides, we haven't had time to build better beds yet." Bonnie tried to explain. "And I have a clue, we were alone the first night."
Cassie's face turned red. She had finally rendered her speechless. But only for a moment. "Really, so how did things go? Obviously not too well if he doesn't want a repeat."
"They went fine!" Bonnie grit her teeth, holding on to her temper was beginning to be a problem. "You want to peel the potatoes for me." Bonnie thrust a bowl of unpeeled potatoes in her lap as she sat down once more.
Cassie laughed, but about that time Becky came out of her bedroom combing her rag doll's hair.
"Becky…why look at you, you've grown into such a pretty young lady." Cassie cried out going straight up to Becky and kissing her on the cheek.
Becky eyed her suspiciously. Seeing Bonnie working in the kitchen, she put her doll up and joined them.
"You saw me at the church a few Sunday's ago."
"Oh…I guess I did. But that was Bonnie's big day and she was the one everyone was looking at."
She glanced at Bonnie, who was busy washing vegetables and getting out the flour for the meat. "You know, no one could believe the whirlwind courtship the two of you had. It was the talk of the town for a week after the wedding. Everywhere I went, they were talking about you."
"Were they? And who are they?" Bonnie asked.
"You know, the people in town."
Becky got on her stool so she could reach the counter and waited for Bonnie to hand her something to do.
Bonnie had her cut some green onions. "Be careful, just cut the ends off like I showed you."
"Cassie has been gracious enough to peel the potatoes for us."
"You would make me do the peeling, but I mustn't get my dress dirty of course." She glanced down at herself and smiled.
"Yeah…how come you are you so dressed up in the first place? This is the country, Cassie." Bonnie handed her a thick flour sack towel to cover her dress with.
"Oh, this old thing…." Cassie laughed.
"That old thing as you call it, happens to be the dress you wear to dances and socials. I know that for a fact. So I ask you, why are you so dressed up? The dance isn't until next week and nothing is going on in town. So what's the occasion?"
Cassie's lips curled upward. "Does there have to be an occasion. I like dressing up, especially since I've come of age. No telling who I might run into, of course. Besides, we are best friends and I want to make a good impression on your husband. After all Bonnie, you and I have been good friends for a lot of years, I want your husband to like me too. I'd like to think I’m welcome here."
"What for, you aren't married to him," Becky asked out of the blue.
Bonnie shot Becky a little caustic smile while Becky didn't bother hiding her dislike for Cassie.
"So why don't you tell me about him. I'm dying to know more."
"What do you want to know?" Bonnie washed the vegetables in the sink.
"Oh, the usual girlish questions. Is he a good kisser?"
"Good grief, Cassie, I never realized you are such a noisy sort. Why don't you concentrate on getting your own man?" Bonnie glanced at Becky as she spoke, winking. "And I'm sure you're experienced in kissing too. Would you like to tell me how to do that, too?"
Bonnie crimsoned. She wasn't usually so catty, but today Cassie brought out the beast in her.
Although Bonnie said what she'd been thinking, it sounded so rude. She stared at her and shook her head. "Yes, he's a fine kisser, Cassie."
"And does he make your blood boil when he touches you?" Cassie kept asking inappropriate questions. And in front of Becky too. It embarrassed her.
"Stop it Cassie. This is no way to talk around Becky. I won't have it." Bonnie stomped her foot and frowned at her friend. "I can't believe you came here to mock me. We used to be good friends."
"Mock you? I never did. I'm simply curious. I-I mean I figured I'd be married way before you. And look at you!" Cassie tipped her chin up as though insulted. But there was truth in what she said. Cassie always thought she'd get married early and have children.
Martin came in from the back yard with a pail full of eggs. He put them away and glanced at the girls. No one said a word for a whole minute.
"Nice to see you Martin." Cassie finally remembered her manners.
Bonnie let her temper simmer. "Look Cassie, It was a case of need."
Cassie stared at her, "Does this mean you and Dal…aren't in love?"
Martin turned around as he was headed back outside and shook his head. "I knew I didn't want to hear this…" He said shaking his head.
Bonnie resented Cassie's question and to protect her fragile marriage she lied. "We have feelings for each other." She murmured. "I wouldn't have married him otherwise."
"Really?" Cassie giggled. "You certainly have some surprises up your sleeve. The last time I saw you, except for the wedding you were gonna hire a husband. Oh well, I can't wait to meet him. I mean I've seen him around town before. He even asked me to a dance once a long time ago, but I was going with Bud at the time. I never gave him a thought, but he
was young and built kind of lanky back then. But at the wedding he didn't look lanky. He looked like a man that could handle just about anything. And that kiss he gave you, really had me puzzled."
"Is that a fact? Well, what happened to you and Bud?" Bonnie turned the questions on her.
"Oh…he took to drinking. I didn't like that. His Pa was always a drinker. I guess I should have known." Cassie reflected. "Bud was too immature anyway for me. I need a real man, one that can make me blush just thinking about him."
"You'd blush? I didn't think anything embarrassed you, Cassie." Becky blurted.
Bonnie hid her smile. Becky was so priceless at times.
"I had no idea Bud was a drinking man, but then I don't know many of the boys in town." Bonnie nodded as she poured out some milk to cook with.
"Does Dal drink?" Cassie countered.
"On occasion, yes. But I've never seen him drunk." Bonnie declared as she sliced some smoked turkey that Dal had managed to kill and set up in the smokehouse.
"Then you don't mind him drinking?" Cassie's eyes narrowed on her.
"It's his business if he wants to drink. Like I said, I've never seen him drunk. I might change my mind if I seen him drunk, but I never have."
"Is that venison?" Cassie asked reaching to taste a small piece that fell away.
"It is…"
"Where'd you get that?" She watched her slice it thin. "I haven't had venison in ages, well, since Thanksgiving at least."
"Daniel shot it the other day, and Dal dressed it out to hang in the smokehouse. Daniel has gotten to be a great shot, thanks to Dal."
"Sounds like he's good at a lot of things." Cassie chuckled. "I'd have never guessed him so talented like that. Maybe when he's through helping you out of the mess you are in, he might…decide to take another."
"Another what?"
"Another wife silly. You do know he can divorce you don't you?"
Bonnie's nostrils flared, her chin lifted, and her eyes spit fire at Cassie for a moment, until she regained her sense.
"I didn't think divorce was very common. I mean people tend to talk about divorced couples. Dal and I would never divorce."
"Don't bet on it. If you don't satisfy him, he might."
"I suppose he could, but I think he's very satisfied."
"Really, well I guess you have changed a lot. Well, no matter, if he ever does, I'll be around." Cassie chuckled to herself.
"Maybe you should have got to know him, way back when. He's right handy." Bonnie agreed.
And then Dal and Daniel walked in. They came through to the kitchen.
Becky went to grab and hug his legs.
Dal looked at Cassie and then Bonnie. Then he glanced down at Becky and bent to kiss the top of her head. "Hello pumpkin."
"I'm glad you two are home," Becky said staring up at them.
"We got company?" he asked.
"This is Cassie Evans, I believe you know her." Bonnie watched the interplay between them.
Dal's brow went up a notch, but his smile was stunted.
"Yeah, I've seen her around. Pleased to meet you Cassie."
Daniel looked eager to talk to Cassie himself when he suddenly asked. "Cassie how's Rachel?"
Cassie glanced at Daniel for a moment, stunned. "Why Daniel McDaniel, you are all grown up. I wouldn't have recognized you. In fact, I was at the wedding, but I didn't realize that was you up there giving your sister away. You looked so elegant."
"I did?"
"Rachel is fine, I'll tell her you asked about her." Cassie aimed her smile for Dal. "She told me you'd grown nearly a foot this year, I didn't believe it. But men do tend to grow in spurts, don't they."
Her eyes were still on Dal. She practically undressed him with her eyes.
"You staying for supper, Cassie?" Dal asked as he set his gear down by the back porch. He wasn't ignoring her, he just didn't seem to consider her important company.
"I thought I would, if you don't mind." Cassie stared after him.
When he came back in the room, Cassie's cheeks flushed. "You know I didn't have a clue you and Bonnie even knew each other. And then…there you two were getting married in the church that Sunday. Bonnie didn't even send me a wedding invite."
"I didn't send anyone an invite, Cassie."
Dal glanced at Bonnie quickly, noting the way her mouth turned down and the way she was attempting to keep her temper at bay.
"We got to know each other pretty quick." Dal managed as he came up to Bonnie and kissed her on the cheek.
Bonnie blushed, she hadn't expected him to display any affection around Cassie, but she was ever so glad he had.
"You sure did. Bonnie tells me you and Daniel are trying to keep Mr. Banister off your land. He's a hard man Dal, if I were you, I wouldn't mess with him."
"Then it's a good thing you're not me, isn't it." His brow went up again. "It's pretty simple Cassie. He hasn't paid a fee, so he can't water his cattle here. No one can unless they pay for the privilege." Dal explained.
"So you don't believe in sharin'?" She challenged.
"I'd say it depends on what I'm sharin'..and who with." He grinned.
Cassie took that as a direct flirt and moved closer to him.
"You got yourself a real man here, Bonnie, I hope you know how to take care of him. 'Cause any man who can stand up to Banister is quite a man." She grinned into Dal's face.
He stared at her a moment, and before Bonnie could respond he was answering. "This might come as a huge surprise, Cassie, but she knows exactly how to take care of me…"
Then he moved away and went to help himself to the coffee.
"Dear God, Bonnie, he's been working so hard out in the field all day and you can't fix him a cup of coffee?" Cassie purred sweetly.
Daniel laughed, "He's big enough to get his own coffee when he wants it, Cassie."
Cassie sent Daniel a quick scowl.
All through dinner Cassie picked at Bonnie for every little thing and Bonnie was about to explode, but she finally tempered herself. She reasoned it was only one evening and she could be civil to her guest. Her and Dal were married, and they were creating a bond, Cassie had no one but her folks. Perhaps she was jealous of that.
It was later that evening after they had cleaned the dishes that Cassie sighed and glanced at them again. "I guess I better be getting home. But it sure is dark…I hate traveling the dark alone."
Dal glanced around. "That's okay, Daniel can drive you over."
Daniel squinted his nose. "I guess."
"Oh…I didn't mean to put anyone out…" Cassie cried, looking straight at Dal.
"You didn't. He can see Rachel a minute while he's there, I reckon." Bonnie glanced at her brother who blushed from her words.
"Oh…oh yeah…I guess he can." Cassie tried to smile, obviously disappointed that Dal didn't offer to take her.
"Can Daniel handle the team alright?" Cassie questioned when Dal didn't offer himself.
"He's been doin' that for about four years, Cassie," Bonnie answered her. "You see, Daniel is growing up."
"Oh…yes…I guess he is."
Chapter Twelve
Bonnie didn't want to admit it, but she had been pea-green with envy at how easily it all came to Cassie to attract a man. She tried to stuff it in the back of her mind, but she couldn't. She reasoned that she was the one that had become unreasonable and she didn't know why.
Cassie had been such a good friend when they were younger, but she had noticed a change in attitude as she had grown older. Now Cassie acted as though Bonnie didn't measure up as a woman. It hadn't bothered her that much when she was younger that Cassie would pick at her. But…it was an insult she realized in front of her husband. She took delight in bringing out the worst in her. Bonnie hadn't been around her much since she met Dal though and their friendship seemed strained now.
But the way she flirted with Dal was an insult. And Bonnie knew it would be a while before she got over Cassie's visit.
She had
brazenly acted as though she wanted Dal.
That made Bonnie's temperature climb. He was her husband. She took vows, and she meant them.
She was standing on the back porch trying to get her feelings and emotions under control when Dal joined her.
"There you are. I wondered where you went."
When she didn't say anything, he asked in a low voice. "Did you invite her over?" Dal asked when she was quiet too long.
"No…I had no idea she was coming. In fact, this is the first time she's been out here. She always said it was too much trouble coming out here on the prairie just to visit me when I could stop by myself at her place."
"Really, I thought you two were friends." He glanced at her again.
"I thought we were too…." Bonnie was choking trying to keep the tears away. She was ashamed that she let her best friend get to her.
Dal grew quiet again.
"I guess you could tell I was upset, huh?" She asked, sitting on the edge of the porch, she had dug a hole in the ground with a stick.
"Yeah….pretty much."
Bonnie stood up and walked around the yard. She gestured with her hands. "She was askin' the most secret of questions. It embarrassed me to talk of those things with her. I don't know why. I used to could talk to her about anything. But things have changed. I don't exactly know why they have changed, but they have. I guess we finally grew up."
"Secrets? Like what?"
"She didn't think we slept together. She didn't think we had any feelings for one another. From the way she was acting I think she wanted you herself." Bonnie admitted, then turned away in tears. "Said you could divorce me and she'd be waiting."
Dal came up to her and turned her around. He lifted her chin with the curve of a finger and smiled into her distraught eyes.
"So what did you tell her?" He asked softly.
"I-I told her we had feelings for one another, and that you were gonna make a bigger bed…." Bonnie cried into his shoulder as she faced her jealousy head on. "I had no right to tell her that but…"
"You did right. It's none of her business." Dal said and tipped her chin up once more. "And we do have feelings for each other…I'll show you."